When I applied for this job, one of the interview questions was: "Are you organized? Can you juggle many things at once?" I thought "Psht, I have juggled multiple classes, multiple jobs, and multiple extracurricular over the past four years. I can
totally juggle the requirements of a single job."
I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to the universe for my cockiness and present it with the chip that has fallen off my shoulder because man oh man, this job requires me to be on top of my game and
build character like nothing else before it. I am wearing multiple hats, all of which could be made into at least part-time, if not full-time, jobs:
- Data collection coordinator for the BCSL
- random graphics/PR projects for the BCSL
- Benefit Bank Counselor
- Benefit Bank Trainer
It is totally doable, I just have to work at it. I also realize that part of being overwhelmed at this point is learning the new vocabulary of people and organizations I need to know, but I need to work on some new systems to better organize myself since I have about 3 different hubs of activity I need to check in with. Right now what is working is to take the first hour of each day to attack my emails and make a to-do list on paper, in my notebook for the rest of the day: I hereby resolve to repeat this behavior for the sake of my sanity. And since I've posted the resolution on my blog for teh internets to see, everyone knows it absolutely *must* come to fruition.
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