It has been a whirlwind of activity at my desk lately....which justifies how it looks (I seriously need to acquire some 3-ring binders...). I've been crunching numbers on data, bothering people for data, and compulsively checking my Google surveys to see how many people have replied. The exciting news is I have a hunch all my data collection is paying off (stay tuned for more news), and the less exciting news is now I have to compile all the data reports. Spreadsheets, pie charts, and numerals are the life of the Data Collection Coordinator.
In non-data news, Oberlin Community Services was awarded a grant from OBB for tax season. Hooray for money for sturdy new tables! I was down at the OCS food distribution this Saturday publicizing my tax clinics and I can confirm that some of the tables are in pretty bad shape.
To do:
1. Clean desk and compile better to-do list
2. Make OBB certifiates for private reading students
3. Update email lists on who has responded to my surveys
4. Complete follow-up paperwork for OCS grant
5. Scan in books for WT readings.
Also, here is a neat quiz on poverty stats. Fill it out--maybe you'll learn something!
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