Friday, December 3, 2010

Tweet, tweedle-lee-dee

Hello from the Sacred Heart Chapel in Lorain where I am doing Ohio Benefit Bank and Second Harvest Foodbank outreach.  It is a wide-open, well-lit room with a stage, a concession stand, and basketball hoops. There are lots of young children running around and playing with the games and crafts set out.  There is also someone dressed up in a Red Robin mascot costume; the kids are fascinated/terrified.

I appreciate when communities pull together to offer a resource fair.  It gathers multiple resources in one place (which makes outreach easier for the resources) and it gathers people together in a space they feel comfortable.  It is hard to ask for help or know where to go.  I am having much more success handing out the Santa Land flyers advertising Santa's visit to Lorain County Community College than I am passing out food assistance literature.
Don't forget to drop by the BCSL if you still need a WT project or you want to find one involving community service!

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