- Day of Service! I'm tallying the numbers with Christina, but we had an awesome turnout and a beautiful day! (it only rained for a bit during registration). Ma'ayan has an awesome blog post about Day of Service 2010 here: http://blogs.oberlin.edu/community/community_service/serve_it_up_obi.shtml
- The BCSL had it's first Open House in Daub House, and it was a huge success! Over 115 people showed up for tasty lasagna and pizza from Lorenzo's. Make sure and drop by to find a service site for the year; Andy's conducting a bunch of America Reads tutor interviews and Donna is meeting with all the Bonners.
- Classes started! All of a sudden the sidewalks are crawling with students. Best of luck, getting your schedule set.
- I went to the big Ohio Benefit Bank Conference in Columbus on Sept. 1 and 2. So many people doing so many good things to lift people out of poverty! Very thought provoking, emotional, and educational. The most interesting tidbit my brain latched onto was this paraphrased quote from a lady whose name I can't remember: "Sometimes people ask me 'What's new in hunger?' And I say NOTHING. Nothing is new in hunger. People are hungry and they need food, and that's all there is to it." And I thought yep, that's all there is to it.
Upcoming BCSL events direct from the email of the wonderful Sarah Ho:
Community Connections Fair
Thursday, September 16, 2010
4:30 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Wilder Bowl (Rain site: Science Center Atrium)
Student Organizations, religious communities, and non-profit agencies will gather to distribute information about their programs and answer any questions you might have! Stop by and find your perfect service site!
Winter Term Workshops
Tuesday, Sept. 28 at 4:30pm: Science Center Room A154
Wednesday, Sept. 29 at 7:30pm: Science Center Room A154
One of the most valuable tools in college career development is the experiences you have in your field of interest. In this workshop, learn what resources are available to you in finding a winter term internship, what you need to prepare, and how to use networking techniques to find your ideal experience. Co-hosted by the Bonner Center for Service & Learning and the office of Career Services.
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